Zanim stwierdzicie, ze ubrania z Chin ze skóry pochodzą tylko z takich źródeł , to może przeczytajcie artykuł: 1st of all, I believe anyone that care about animals would like to join this activity to help us raise attention for the legalization of animal/pet protection in China and the prevention of cruelty to animals!
As far as I concern,there's no such laws that protect animals/pets in China,pets lovers and people who care about animals have exteremly desire for the legalization of animal protection which they can use to against cruelty and unhuman behaviors to animals.
The biggest dog massacre is still ongoing...millions of dogs have been killed cruelly!The bloody reason given by the murders and the government was 'rabies'...But killing the dogs on a open area,for example on the street,with blood splashing everywhere,wasnt a appropriate way to solve the problem,was it?!(link of pic shown below)
The problem is,there are not just ill dogs been killed,the healthy ones were facing the issue,too.They dont allow big dogs such as German Shepherd in the city,becoz some people think and tell others that big dogs are nasty and dangerous (how stupid is that!).So they're tempting to take them away from their owners and kill them (for meat or experienment use).
They also ask for a very high regstration fee of each dog(that people can have in the city) to have an ID,but none of those money are used to do any good for the dogs.
The medias aren't helping either,by not pointing out the mistakes people are making.Also avoid saying anything about the legalization of animal protection!
The people who have big dogs (even small ones) are in great need to have certian laws to protect their loved dogs as well as themselves.There're 'Police'(a special amount of people set up for identifying and killing dogs)
knocking on their doors,even break into their homes to drag their dogs away or even kill them in front of their owners!The owners are powerless to resist,bcoz all those'polices' are armed with weapons for their cruelty purpose!
Dogs and Cats also been treated as meat which is unacceptable!People's pet dogs and cats have been stolen for meat use!It's not jst the purpose that's disgusting,also how they treat them before they become meat...
Lots of pictures can be googled when typing in 'dog massacre in China' ,'dog/cat meat' or you can copy and paste '打狗','狗肉','猫肉' into the search engine for images!Which will show you how sad and angry general people must be towards this in China.
2ndly,this group also aiming to make people aware of the cruelty to animals in China,and help reduce the rate of it by educating people.To achieve this,we do need everybody's effort and help.
A big THANK YOU to everyone that take part in this activity helping to protect and respect our animal friends!